redwood empire food bank

Giving Back During the Holidays at the Redwood Empire Food Bank


On Tuesday, December 3rd, the team from Linkenheimer, along with significant others and kids, met up after work at the Redwood Empire Food Bank to lend a helping hand. Holiday months are always tough for REFB in terms of finding volunteers, so we were excited to be able to participate and assist a great local non-profit that has been serving Sonoma County for over a decade, providing meals to elderly, children and those in need. Over the course of our two hours there, we formed into teams to put to sort through and box bread and baked goods. In total, we boxed 3, 697 lbs of bread to be sent out in the community. This helps provide over 2,900 meals to be distributed to our neighbors in need. Local charities like these are what makes Sonoma County such a great place to live and do business in and we are proud to support them. So during these busy holiday months, we encourage everyone to take some time and think about how they can give back and help those less fortunate. If everyone does a little, the impact can be huge. Happy Holidays from the Linkenheimer […]

By |2020-09-03T20:03:24+00:00December 12th, 2019|Community|0 Comments

Linkenheimer Teams up with the Redwood Empire Food Bank


Following a long Thanksgiving weekend, the Linkenheimer team, along with some clients, family and friends, teamed up, to help fight hunger in our community and provide food for those less fortunate. Over the course of our time there, we work in the warehouse to assemble boxes, fill them with canned food, drinks and other items, that in the end, would be provided to seniors in our community. There are so many amazing non-profits in our community, working together to make Sonoma County an amazing place and we feel blessed to be able to give a little back.

Below is a note we received from the REFB:

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you and your team from Linkenheimer for all your help is past Monday evening at the Redwood Empire Food Bank. Your efforts have a tremendous impact on our neighbors in need, and we would not be able to fight hunger in our community without incredible people, like you all, on our side. 

Together your group helped us to:

Pack 252 boxes of food for seniors in our community 

=7,560 lbs. of food 

=6,300 meals provided to community members in need 

Again, thank you so much […]

By |2020-09-03T20:05:01+00:00December 1st, 2016|Community|0 Comments

Linkenheimer Volunteers at Redwood Empire Food Bank


On Tuesday evening, Linkenheimer staff, families and friends spent two hours helping the Redwood Empire Food Bank fill 3 and 5 pound bags of apples for distribution to those in need. Over the course of the evening, Linkenheimer filled and bagged 3,000 pounds of red apples. The summer months are critical for the REFB as they receive the most product during that time, yet it also proves to be one of the hardest times of the year to find volunteers. With schools out of session, their student base of volunteers typically dries up and other volunteer’s schedules are filled with summer trips and other events. Linkenheimer is honored to be able to assist the REFB and the local community that has given so much to us a firm. To find out how you can assist them, please check out their website:

About Linkenheimer’s Community Efforts:

At Linkenheimer, we look to change lives locally and abroad through the work we do, the relationships we develop and the charities we support. We say we want to be Partners in our Client’s Success. This means we want to work with people we like and help them […]

By |2020-09-03T20:05:26+00:00June 24th, 2015|Community|0 Comments

Linkenheimer LLP crew lends a hand at the Redwood Empire Food Bank

On Monday November 10, 2014, Linkenheimer LLP employees and partners spent part of their evening helping prepare food packages for seniors. Prior to the ‘assembly line’ effort, we were given a tour of the food bank’s beautiful facilities, and information on the needs of Sonoma County residents and what the food bank provides. Being the accountants that we are, numbers are always welcome, but in this case, the numbers were both astonishing and sobering.

  • 82,000 people (1 in 6 people in Sonoma County) face the threat of hunger every month, and this is the number served by the food bank, every month.
  • Of the 82,000 people: 36,200 are children, 11,800 are seniors, and 13,500 are working families.
  • The Redwood Empire Food Bank is in the top 6% of food banks nationwide in the amount of food provided per person in poverty.
  • During 2014, the food bank distributed 14.5 million pounds of food, which is the equivalent of over 33,000 meals a day, and provided food for two wholesome meals for every $1 spent.

These figures are hard to comprehend when you think of Sonoma County and all of the beauty that surrounds us; but, hunger has no boundaries, and it crosses the full spectrum […]

By |2020-09-03T20:05:42+00:00November 20th, 2014|charity, Community|0 Comments
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