
Business Highlights in the New American Rescue Plan Act


President Biden signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) on March 11. While the new law is best known for the provisions providing relief to individuals, there are also several tax breaks and financial benefits for businesses.

Here are some of the tax highlights of the ARPA.

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC). This valuable tax credit is extended from June 30 until December 31, 2021. The ARPA continues the ERC rate of credit at 70% for this extended period of time. It also continues to allow for up to $10,000 in qualified wages for any calendar quarter. Taking into account the Consolidated Appropriations Act extension and the ARPA extension, this means an employer can potentially have up to $40,000 in qualified wages per employee through 2021.

Employer-Provided Dependent Care Assistance. In general, an eligible employee’s gross income doesn’t include amounts paid or incurred by an employer for dependent care assistance provided […]

By |2021-03-16T16:32:05+00:00March 16th, 2021|covid-19, credit, New Tax Laws|0 Comments

California Gives Veterans a Boost

Military troops standing in line

The CA Employment Development Dept. has awarded $5 million in Veterans’ Employment-Related Assistance Program grants. The grants are expected to help about 1,200 veterans secure jobs. “EDD is proud to provide California veterans with the tools they need to transition into sustainable careers,” said EDD Director Patrick W. Henning. “This funding will help train and prepare former military personnel for high-growth civilian jobs.” Grants will be used in these counties: Contra Costa, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego and Ventura. The funding is part of the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. For more info:

By |2020-09-03T20:03:50+00:00July 3rd, 2019|New Tax Laws|0 Comments
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