
Linkenheimer Team’s Eye Care Service Project to Nicaragua in January of 2020

We departed the night of January 14, 2020 on a graveyard flight from SFO to Houston to Managua. The intrepid travelers included first timers – Dana Breaux, Ernie Ceja, Charla Balkin, Jan Coulter, Gino Scurini and Kelly McGlinchy. Experienced missionaries included Carli Ortiz, Kerri Berry, Nina Shaposhnikov, Joshua Warren, Andy Vedder and John Jones. Our objective was to provide eye care (exams and prescription eye glasses for free) to the people of Las Azucena. This is a small village south of San Carlos Nicaragua and upriver from our home base at the Sabalos Lodge.

Nicaragua is the 2nd poorest country in the western hemisphere behind Haiti. The area of Sabalos and the Rio San Juan is the poorest of all Nicaragua. Average per capita income for the country is about $400 and likely in the Rio San Juan it is closer to $200 per year. Few paying jobs exist with most people surviving on subsistence farming. The people though are very content and gracious. There are no eye care teams (or brigades) that make it to this part of the country. The work we do through the firm, Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary and St Mark Lutheran Church is the total […]

By |2020-09-03T20:03:18+00:00February 14th, 2020|Community, Nicaragua|0 Comments

Linkenheimer Team’s 2017 Eye Care Trip to Nicaragua a Success

January 1, 2017 found 11 Linkenheimer staff and partners on their way to Nicaragua for the firm’s third eye care mission into the remote villages of the Rio San Juan region. Travelers included Matt Melchiori, Anne Glanville, Judy Deniz, Kerri Berry, Andy Vedder, Nina Shaposhnikov, Rudy Malmanis, Kari Bruner, Carli Ortiz, Mike Musson and John Jones.

The morning of January 2nd we boarded the 12 seat Cessna Caravan for San Carlos and our beloved dirt runway. Lunch and a two hour boat ride found us at the Sabalos Lodge which became our home base. Mosquito repellent in hand, along with instructions on tucking in the mosquito netting under your mattress (while you are on the mattress) got us prepared for the next five nights.

Days 2 and 3 found us traveling to and from and working in the village of Las Maravillas. This is a very remote village and difficult to get to from Sabalos (or anywhere for that matter) and rarely receives medical services. The region had 30 days of straight rain prior to our arrival, so the roads were nothing but mud and slop with our 4WD convoy frequently stopping to assess the driving strategies and get […]

By |2020-09-03T20:04:59+00:00February 21st, 2017|Community|0 Comments

Managing Partner John Jones on Cover of CalCPA Magazine



Congratulations to managing partner John Jones, winner of the CalCPA Public Service Award and featured on the cover of the August 2016 CalCPA magazine. The award recognized him for his public service both locally and globally, where over the course of the past 9 years, he has lead teams into rural Nicaragua and distributed over 20,000 pairs of eye glasses to the people there, who otherwise would never receive the gift of vision.

Read the entire article by clicking here

By |2020-09-03T20:05:10+00:00August 9th, 2016|award, Community, John Jones|0 Comments

CalCPA Honors John Jones for Helping To Improve Vision of Villagers in Third-World

john eye

For his efforts to improve the eyesight of underprivileged people in Third World countries, John Jones, CPA, has received the 2016 Public Service Award from the California Society of CPAs.

The annual award recognizes an individual CalCPA member for services to the community or for governmental service in either a volunteer or elected capacity.

Jones, managing partner of Linkenheimer LLP CPAs & Advisors in Santa Rosa, has led missions with the Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary Club and St. Mark Lutheran Church to provide eyeglasses and vision correction to villagers in remote parts of the world. For over 21 years he has made eye-care trips to Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, Guatemala, Samoa and Vietnam.

He estimates that he has personally examined more than 18,000 people for vision needs and eye problems, including cataracts and pterygiums.

“John exemplifies the meaning of service,” said Lynette Atchley, chair of the public service selection committee. “His dedication to helping the underprivileged is inspiring and sets a high bar for those who will be considered for this honor in the future.”

Jones is past president of the California Group of Accounting Firms, past president of the Rohnert Park – Cotati Rotary Club, […]

By |2020-09-03T20:05:11+00:00June 17th, 2016|award, Community|0 Comments

Managing Partner John Jones Leads Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary on Nicaragua Eye Care Trip


Today 1344 eyes are smiling, seeing “mas claro” in 672 very grateful Nicaraguans in the Rio San Juan Region of southern Nicaragua.  Many of the those same people are equipped with both distance and near pair of glasses and protective sunglasses, “gafas” to keep damaging UV rays off their eyes.  In addition, 103 mouths are “mucho mas limpio”, reflecting improved oral health and a shift in treatment from extraction to restoration and prevention.

This year, the returning Nicaraguan Couple-Dentists Javier and Ana from the 200 km north capital Managua again worked with a Dental Hygienist from the Sabalos Regional Clinic to treat patients from pre-teen to “viejo”, senior citizens.  Peter Hoberg accepted the crucial role of instrument sterilizer, earning himself the unenviable evidence of chemically stained orange fingers.  Fortunately he did not exhibit any apparent cognitive lapses while on duty.

Over the course of three days, Sunrise Rotarians and some of their family focused on improving people’s visual acuity.  Steve “Grandpa” Zwick was the third generation in his family represented and remarkably both his daughter Jennifer and granddaughter Alessa brought valuable Spanish language and organizational skills.  Steve’s español is well known!  Alessa, just 12, quickly established […]

By |2020-09-03T20:05:16+00:00February 16th, 2016|Community|0 Comments
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