
Linkenheimer’s 2022 Nicaragua Eye Care Trip


A team from Linkenheimer spent 10 days in Nicaragua during June of 2022 with the hope of bringing eye care and the gift of vision to people in the rural region of the Rio San Juan. Nicaragua is the 2nd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and the people in this region are severely underserved. Most have no medical, eye or dental care available to them. During our time there, the team tested and dispensed eye glasses to over 630 patients, many of whom travelled great distances to get to our testing site. The village we set set up in for testing is a hub for immigrants from Venezuela, Cuba and Columbia who are travelling to the U.S. border. We also provided toys and games for the children, along with sunglasses. This was Linkenheimer’s sixth trip to the region.

By |2022-09-14T22:37:20+00:00September 14th, 2022|Community, eye glasses, Nicaragua|0 Comments

Nicaraguan Surgery Center Opens with the Help of Linkenheimer and Rotary

Linkenheimer is excited to announce the grand opening of the new Surgery Center in the Rio San Juan Region of Nicaragua. Since 2007, the firm has made seven trips to Nicaragua to provide eye and care to a region of 40,000 people that would otherwise never receive medical attention. John Jones has been leading these trips with Linkenheimer, Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary and St. Mark Lutheran Church. Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary has made six trips to the region, while St. Mark has sent teams almost every summer since 2006. Over the course of the past 14 years, John has personally examined over 25,000 people in the region, providing eye exams and prescription glasses.

Nicaragua is the 2nd poorest country in the western hemisphere behind Haiti. The area of Sabalos and the Rio San Juan is the poorest of all Nicaragua. Average per capita income for the country is about $400 and in the Rio San Juan it is closer to $200 per year. Few paying jobs exist with most people surviving on subsistence farming. The people though are very content and gracious. There are […]

By |2021-04-06T20:56:44+00:00April 6th, 2021|Community, Nicaragua|0 Comments

Linkenheimer Team’s Eye Care Service Project to Nicaragua in January of 2020

We departed the night of January 14, 2020 on a graveyard flight from SFO to Houston to Managua. The intrepid travelers included first timers – Dana Breaux, Ernie Ceja, Charla Balkin, Jan Coulter, Gino Scurini and Kelly McGlinchy. Experienced missionaries included Carli Ortiz, Kerri Berry, Nina Shaposhnikov, Joshua Warren, Andy Vedder and John Jones. Our objective was to provide eye care (exams and prescription eye glasses for free) to the people of Las Azucena. This is a small village south of San Carlos Nicaragua and upriver from our home base at the Sabalos Lodge.

Nicaragua is the 2nd poorest country in the western hemisphere behind Haiti. The area of Sabalos and the Rio San Juan is the poorest of all Nicaragua. Average per capita income for the country is about $400 and likely in the Rio San Juan it is closer to $200 per year. Few paying jobs exist with most people surviving on subsistence farming. The people though are very content and gracious. There are no eye care teams (or brigades) that make it to this part of the country. The work we do through the firm, Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary and St Mark Lutheran Church is the total […]

By |2020-09-03T20:03:18+00:00February 14th, 2020|Community, Nicaragua|0 Comments

Linkenheimer Team Goes “Down the River” in Nicaragua

It wasn’t just beaches and mai tai’s for the Linkenheimer team and their families as they spent over a week in beautiful Nicaragua. Continuing a tradition of service in the region, John Jones led two different groups from Linkenheimer down the rural region of the Rio San Juan, with the goal of delivering eye exams and prescription glasses which would have otherwise have been unattainable.

Linkenheimer traditionally enjoys a team vacation in January as a thank you for a job well done and a bonding experience before the trials of a busy tax season. This year, the team building was magnified with the opportunity of “going down the river”.

A typical “going down the river” experience usually entails: Flying into Managua; chartering a small, 16 seat plane which flies you over Lake Nicaragua (the 10th largest fresh water lake in the world), landing on the dirt “runway” in San Carlos; from there you are shuttled in trucks to the river front, where the team boards long boats, which make their way down the winding river until they reach the serene, yet primitive Sabalos Lodge. Then the real adventure begins.

The team then travels by boat to the village, where they setup […]

By |2020-09-03T20:05:46+00:00March 5th, 2014|Community, Linkenheimer, Nicaragua, service, Services|0 Comments

John Jones Recognized by Press Democrat for Global Eye Care Projects

John Jones’ good deeds have not gone unnoticed. On Sunday, July 8th, the Press Democrat released an article detailing his many trips to Nicaragua. Over the past 17 years, John has led and organized over 10 trips to Third World countries delivering basic health services. During those 17 years, he has helped over 15,000 people see more clearly.

John is normally accompanied by members of his local church or by fellow Rotarians. His outreach trips have included destinations such as Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, Guatemala, Samoa and Vietnam.

His most recent project, involves raising $100,000 for the first ever surgery center in the Rio San Juan region of Nicaragua. This remote region is home to 26,000 people who have virtually no medical care available locally. As the leader of his Rotary clubs efforts, they have already raised $46,000.

Even though he isn’t an eye doctor, the CPA has had a profound affect on the region, providing life changing health services, including eye exams and distributing eye glasses.

To read the Press Democrat article, click here.

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