eye glasses

Linkenheimer’s 2022 Nicaragua Eye Care Trip


A team from Linkenheimer spent 10 days in Nicaragua during June of 2022 with the hope of bringing eye care and the gift of vision to people in the rural region of the Rio San Juan. Nicaragua is the 2nd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and the people in this region are severely underserved. Most have no medical, eye or dental care available to them. During our time there, the team tested and dispensed eye glasses to over 630 patients, many of whom travelled great distances to get to our testing site. The village we set set up in for testing is a hub for immigrants from Venezuela, Cuba and Columbia who are travelling to the U.S. border. We also provided toys and games for the children, along with sunglasses. This was Linkenheimer’s sixth trip to the region.

By |2022-09-14T22:37:20+00:00September 14th, 2022|Community, eye glasses, Nicaragua|0 Comments

John Jones Recognized by Press Democrat for Global Eye Care Projects

John Jones’ good deeds have not gone unnoticed. On Sunday, July 8th, the Press Democrat released an article detailing his many trips to Nicaragua. Over the past 17 years, John has led and organized over 10 trips to Third World countries delivering basic health services. During those 17 years, he has helped over 15,000 people see more clearly.

John is normally accompanied by members of his local church or by fellow Rotarians. His outreach trips have included destinations such as Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, Guatemala, Samoa and Vietnam.

His most recent project, involves raising $100,000 for the first ever surgery center in the Rio San Juan region of Nicaragua. This remote region is home to 26,000 people who have virtually no medical care available locally. As the leader of his Rotary clubs efforts, they have already raised $46,000.

Even though he isn’t an eye doctor, the CPA has had a profound affect on the region, providing life changing health services, including eye exams and distributing eye glasses.

To read the Press Democrat article, click here.

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