Californians Approve Prop. 19; Ending Major Property Tax Exemption

Californians narrowly passed Proposition 19 earlier this month with a 2% margin, essentially ending your ability to transfer real estate to your children free of property tax reassessment. The proposition has two fairly distinct parts. The first allows homeowners who are 55 or older or those who lost their home in a natural disaster to transfer their tax assessment to a new home. The tax value of the new home will be added to the current tax assessment if the new home is more expensive, a transfer like this can be done three times and homeowners have two years to sell their current home and buy a new one.

The second part of Proposition 19 removes the ability for a parent to pass a home to a child or grandchild without reassessing the home value, unless it’s the child’s or grandchild’s primary residence. If the child or grandchild doesn’t live in the inherited home and instead chooses to rent it out, the tax value can be reassessed. Previously, a home could be transferred to family members and […]