strategic planning

Why Businesses May Want to Consider ESG in Strategic Planning

When engaging in strategic planning, business owners and their leadership teams must consider various factors. These commonly include the state of your industry, the national and local economies, the company’s financial position and cash flow, and opportunities in the marketplace.

However, in today’s world, where transparency is everything, another factor that may be important for some companies is a clearly defined approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

3 areas of focus

As a general concept, ESG (as it’s often called for short) focuses on three areas:

  1. The environmental component considers your company’s impact on the environment, including the energy it uses, the waste it produces and the resources it consumes.
  2. The social element examines your business’s relationships with people, communities and institutions. It includes fair labor practices; worker health and safety; diversity, equity and inclusion; and your company’s impact on the people of the community or communities where it operates.
  3. The governance portion includes policies, practices and procedures your business adopts to govern itself. Considerations include ethics, transparency, legal compliance, executive compensation, supply-chain management, data protection, and product quality and safety.

The idea is that, to be a good “corporate citizen,” it’s important to recognize the impact of […]

By |2023-06-07T19:27:01+00:00June 7th, 2023|business, planning, strategy|0 Comments

The Balanced Scorecard Approach To Strategic Planning

In the early 1990s, the Balanced Scorecard approach to strategic planning was developed to enable business owners to better organize and visualize their objectives. With 2021 shaping up to be a year of both daunting challenges and potentially remarkable recovery, your company should have a strategic plan that’s both comprehensive and flexible. Giving this methodology a try may prove beneficial.

Areas of focus

The Balanced Scorecard approach segments strategic planning into four critical areas:

1. Customers. Every business owner knows the importance of customer satisfaction but, to truly know and fulfill customers’ needs, you must identify the right metrics that measure it. Also identify the types of customers you want and, more important, can best serve.

Key question to ask: To fulfill our strategic objectives, how can we attract and retain the customers that build our bottom line?

By |2020-12-28T22:06:40+00:00December 28th, 2020|business, small business, strategy|0 Comments
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