As a restaurateur and now vintner there is a saying that rings true throughout both the industries…. To make the best product, you need to start with the best ingredients and work with the best craftsmen in their field...  It doesn’t matter if you’re making a Michelin quality Scallop en Croute or a 97pt Oakville Cabernet, you need to start with the best ingredients you can source, then trust them in the hands of the most talented and passionate people you can find.

This philosophy is the backbone of our success, and we are honored to partner with the best accounting firm we have had the privilege to work with, Linkenheimer.  Carli Ortiz and the entire Linkenheimer staff treat us not like clients, though like partners in our business.  Carli and Co. go the extra mile to see us succeed; giving out their personal cell number, texting you at 7:30 am and pm to ensure your questions are answered, they understand that entrepreneurship doesn’t take a day off and they are there with you every step of the way.

We feel very fortunate to work with an accounting firm that has the insight, business acumen, depth of knowledge and integrity as we grow from a tiny mom and pop restaurant to the national stage right here in our hometown of Sonoma County.