Although the Petaluma Nationals did not win the World Series, they did come back as winners and an inspiration to all ages.  The team was the first Little League team to go to Williamsport from Sonoma County.  This is an inspiration to all individuals of any age, a team that has proven with a lot of hard work and great team building they were able to become second in the Nation and third in the World. 
Even in a professional atmosphere, individuals can be inspired by this team and bring the Petaluma National’s team building strengths and practices into their firms.  At Linkenheimer, we focus on building our team and firm culture.  Although our exercises may not involve hitting or catching a baseball, we consider everyone in our firm a team player and focus on strengthening our relationships not only within the firm but with our clients as well.  As a firm, we focus on each employee’s strengths and areas in need of improvement.  We acknowledge that some of our employees prefer certain types of projects over others just like some baseball players prefer outfield over infield.  The key to a strong team, as the Petaluma Nationals have shown, is to focus on strengths while improving weaknesses to achieve their dream of going to the World Series.

Written by Joelle Smith, LinkedIn Profile