
Commission Fraud: When Salespeople Get Paid More Than They’ve Earned

Many employees — from retail workers to sales staffers involved in complex business-to-business transactions — receive part of their compensation from sales-related commissions. To attract and retain top talent, some companies even allow employees to earn unlimited commissions.

Unfortunately, some commission-compensated employees may be tempted to abuse this system by falsifying sales or rates. Fraud methods vary depending on an unethical salesperson’s employer and role. But companies need to be aware of the possibility of commission fraud and take steps to prevent it.

3 forms

Generally, commission fraud takes one of three forms:

  1. Invention of sales. A retail employee enters a fake purchase at the point of sale (POS) to generate a commission. Or an employee involved in selling business services creates a fraudulent sales contract.
  2. Overstatement of sales. Here, a worker alters internal sales reports or invoices or inflates sales captured via the company’s POS.
  3. Inflation of commission rates. An employee changes a company’s commission records to reflect a higher pay rate. Employees who don’t have access to such records might collude with someone who does (such as an accounting staffer) to alter compensation rates.

More sophisticated schemes can involve collusion with customers and other outside […]

By |2022-01-07T20:21:59+00:00January 7th, 2022|fraud|0 Comments

California Tax Updates for June 18

Megaphone Hand, business concept with text Tax time. Vector illustration

Post 1:

Have you wondered what the California Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate actually does? The CA Dept. of Tax and Fee Administration just released a report highlighting the accomplishments of the Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate’s Office (TRAO). The annual report for 2018 through 2019 gives examples of the services it provides, and information about the tax appeals assistance programs. Also listed are the goals of the Advocate, including a primary goal of ensuring that taxpayers contacting the office with issues that haven’t been resolved through normal channels have their concerns promptly and fairly addressed. Here’s the TRAO report:

Post 2:

California sales and use tax deadlines are coming up soon. The CA Dept. of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) reminds sales and use taxpayers that June 24, 2020, is the filing due date for the May 1 through June 15, 2020 prepayment; and June 30, 2020, […]

By |2020-09-03T20:02:28+00:00June 18th, 2020|business, ca, CA tax, california, sales tax|0 Comments

Economic Damages: Recovering What Was Lost

A business can suffer economic damages arising from a variety of illegal conduct. Common examples include breach of contract, patent infringement and commercial negligence. If your company finds itself headed to court looking to recover lost profits, diminished business value or both, its important to know how the damages might be determined.

What methods are commonly used?

The goal of any economic damages case is to make your company, the plaintiff, “whole” again. In other words, one critical question must be answered: Where would your business be today “but for” the defendants alleged wrongdoing? When financial experts calculate economic damages, they generally rely on the following methods:

Before-and-after. Here, the expert assumes that, if it hadnt been for the breach or other tortious act, the companys operating trends would have continued in pace with past performance. In other words, damages equal the difference between expected and actual performance. A […]

By |2019-01-04T21:43:24+00:00January 4th, 2019|business|0 Comments
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