sonoma county

Thank You Team! Best Place to Work Winner for 2020

Thank You!

For the 10th year in a row, we’ve been honored to win the Best Place to Work Award by the North Bay Business Journal. This award is truly a testimony to the amazing team we have here at Linkenheimer. We have always said that our people are the cornerstone for our success and we work hard to put them and their families first. Their passion, dedication and commitment to the community, clients and our company culture has allowed us to thrive, even in these trying times. We are incredibly grateful for the team and leadership we have and this award is a wonderful recognition for all of them. At Linkenheimer, we strive to provide an incredible work environment and company culture, that allows everyone the opportunity to positive engage with the team, our clients and the community. Our culture and firm values help drive and determine our interactions and decisions, allowing us to have a cohesive mission that we all work hard to achieve. We want to thank each employee, client and community member for […]

By |2020-09-23T14:54:14+00:00September 23rd, 2020|award, best place to work|0 Comments

California Tax Updates for 9/15

Post 1:

Emergency tax relief is available for business owners and feepayers directly affected by declared disasters, through the California Dept. of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA). “Thank you to the President for your partnership and granting this urgent Major Disaster Declaration. California is battling two of the largest fires in our history and has seen nearly 600 new fires in the last week caused by dry lightning strikes,” reported Governor Gavin Newsom, adding, “CA is strong, we will get through this.” Relief may include extension of tax return due dates, relief of penalty and interest, or replacement copies of records lost due to disasters. Here’s more:

Post 2:

California’s Sonoma County enacts emergency paid sick leave ordinance, for certain employers for COVID-19 related reasons. The ordinance took effect Aug. 18, 2020 and will remain in effect through 2020, unless the federal Families First Act (FFA) is extended. The ordinance now requires employers with 500 or […]

By |2020-09-15T20:17:59+00:00September 15th, 2020|ca, CA tax, california, disaster, employer, New Tax Laws|0 Comments

Tax Filing and Payment Extension Due To The Coronavirus


The IRS moved the national income tax filing day ahead to July 15, three months after the normal deadline for Americans to send in their returns, in an effort to stem the financial pain from the coronavirus pandemic.

This relief includes:

Individuals: Income tax payment and filing deadlines for individual returns, with a due date of April 15, 2020, are being automatically extended until July 15, 2020, for up to $1 million of their 2019 tax due. This payment and filing extension relief applies to all individual returns, including self-employed individuals, and all entities other than C-Corporations, such as trusts or estates. IRS will automatically provide this relief to taxpayers. Taxpayers do not need to file any additional forms or call the IRS to qualify for this relief. This relief also includes estimated tax payments for the tax year 2020, normally due April 15.

Corporations: For C Corporations, income tax payment and filing deadlines are being automatically extended until July 15, 2020, for up to $10 million of their 2019 tax due.

This relief also includes estimated tax payments for tax year 2020 that are due on April 15, 2020.

California: The Franchise Tax Board is postponing until July 15 the filing and payment […]

By |2020-09-03T20:03:15+00:00March 20th, 2020|New Tax Laws, tax deadlines|0 Comments

Supporting You During the Coronavirus


Dear clients, friends and community,

We understand there is a lot of anxiety and stress caused by the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic that is affecting the local and global community. As Sonoma County and the Bay Area have been put under a shelter in place order, we are doing everything we can to look after the health and safety of our staff and clients. We want you to know we are standing by your side during this crisis.

Certain essential businesses such as providers of healthcare, food, supplies, and financial services are exempt from the shelter in place order.  Because of the clients served by Linkenheimer LLP, we are also exempted from the order as an essential services provider. That being said, we are implementing strategies to reduce contact and mitigate exposure.

Currently, our offices will remain open during regular business hours. However, for the protection and health of our staff, clients and community we are implementing a strategy that involves most of our staff working from home. We are also asking documents be sent to us electronically, rather than delivered in person. In person meetings, when possible, should be conducted electronically, whether via video […]

Affected by the Power Outages? Tax Relief May Be Available.

Flashlight and beam of light on a dark background

Some tax relief is available for California taxpayers affected by the frequent power shutoffs that plague the state. The CA Franchise Tax Board is advising taxpayers impacted by the safety-related power blackouts that began in October 2019 that they may be eligible for penalty relief if the penalties are due to the shutoffs. Taxpayers in impacted counties may request penalty abatement upon a showing of reasonable cause. For details, go to and arrow down to “Extended deadlines.” If you have questions about how the shut offs may have affected you or your business with concerns related to tax payments or penalties, please contact your Linkenheimer CPA. 

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