Recently Linkenheimer LLP took all of its employees to the beautiful Clearwater Lodge in Fall River Mills, CA for two days of fly fishing. When it was announced to the staff that we would be taking this trip, the overall response was “Fly fishing??” (Yes) and, “How many hours does it take to drive there?” (5+). To say there was skepticism would be an accurate statement, but the lodge looked beautiful, the menu appetizing, and no agenda other than learning to fly fish, all made for an intriguing idea for a trip. So we met up early one Thursday morning, had previously been assigned drivers and riders and off we went. 

One of the hall marks of Linkenheimer and its partners and staff is the longevity of everyone who works here, and the close relationships developed over this extended time, so it goes without saying that we know each other pretty well. When placed in a new environment, doing something completely new, you find new-found interests, commonalities and life experiences; not to mention the hilarity of seeing a circle of accountants practicing fly fishing techniques on the lawn of the lodge. The next morning we were up, suited with waders, boots and poles, and assigned a guide for each pair of us, and off we went. Some chose to fish from boats, others from the river’s edge. The day went by in a flash and as people trickled back into the lodge, one thing was apparent, everyone was smiling and chatty about the day’s fishing; quite a different look and sound from the same folks who initially said “Fly Fishing??” 

All fishing at the lodge is ‘catch and release’ so it was not so much about what folks caught, but the overall experience: being in/on the water, the sounds of the river and birds in the woods, and the Zen-like trance you feel as you gently cast and retrieve your line. Is there a connection between Fly Fishing & Accounting ? I’m sure a creative mind could make one; however the deepening of bonds between colleagues from a common experience, that is a connection worthy of two 5+ hour drives.

For the pictures, click here.

By Steve Miksis, CPA/CFF