Make a Difference to the Lives of Refugee Children
This year, the partners at Linkenheimer, along with other Alliott Group members from across the globe, will be working together to support the UK based charity Play for Progress, which works to make a difference in the lives of refugee children both at home in the UK and abroad.

Hundreds of unaccompanied child refugees have arrived in the UK against all odds, and are in the long and arduous process of trying to gain asylum status. During this time, many of these young people are placed in foster care and some face delays enrolling in education.

Play for Progress offers these children ways to connect with the diverse and often overwhelming city that is London, and to explore and develop their own creative potential. They have partnered with Orchestras for All and the Refugee Council and will provide instruments for every student, one-on-one instrumental tuition, weekly workshops on creative topics, ensemble classes, enrolment in the National Orchestra for All programme, monthly outings to concerts and cultural events, and an end of year showcase at which they can display their acquired skills for friends and family.

Play for Progress is in need of the following instrument donations:

  • Winds (Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone)
  • Brass (Trumpet, Trombone)
  • Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello).

These children are also in desperate need of educational materials to help them in their schooling. The UK Refugee Council has specified a need for the following items:

  • Bilingual Dictionaries (to English) in the following languages: Pashto, Albanian, Tigrinya, Arabic, Dari, Vietnamese, and Amharic
  • Laptops
  • iPads
  • Smart Phones.

Having access to technology can be the difference between life and death when you are an unaccompanied child refugee. Whether you are calling emergency services after being separated from a familiar face, or finding your way to safety through the use of google maps, smart phones and phone credit make that possible.

For the donated tech (laptops, iPads, Smart phones please have them “wiped” or “scrubbed” of personal data. Minutes or a plan with a carrier are not needed). If you are able to donate financial resources, please go to their website

Thank you Alliott Group members and Linkenheimer clients and friends for your generosity!

John Jones
Linkenheimer LLP
Accounting member in Santa Rosa, California.