Update 1:

California’s Franchise Tax Board (FTB) has reopened. In a public service bulletin the FTB announced that beginning Feb. 1, 2021, its field offices and their public counter operations reopened to assist customers by appointment only. Requests for appointments can be made by contacting the field office directly by phone (here’s the link with phone numbers: https://bit.ly/3oXd0WN) or by sending an email to: FTBFieldOfficeAppointments@ftb.ca.gov

Update 2:

Interest rates on unpaid or underpaid taxes in California will remain unchanged for the second half of 2021. The CA Dept. of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) has announced that the interest rate on taxes that are unpaid or underpaid remains at 6%. The interest rate on overpayments and refunds will remain at 0%, for taxes and fees administered by the CDTFA. These taxes include: sales and use tax, cigarette and tobacco products tax, hazardous substances tax, alcoholic beverage tax, motor vehicle fuel tax, use fuel tax, cannabis taxes and more, but they don’t apply to the International Fuel Tax Agreement or to the timber yield tax. For a more complete list: https://bit.ly/2MLEuBA

If you have any questions, please contact your Linkenheimer CPA for assistance.